Grants | NDC


NGO-Local Government Partnership Grants

(USD 0.3 M)
A pilot scheme, these grants encouraged partnerships between municipalities and locally-based NGOs to improve services to the four poorest governorates. NGOs and municipalities carried out joint activities that addressed community priorities in areas such as early childhood development, and adult learning. The municipality undertook small rehabilitation/construction projects that enabled and supported the NGO’s programming activities.

Mentoring Partnership Grants

Mentoring Partnership Grants (USD 2.2 M)
These grants were designed to create partnerships between community-based NGOs of limited experience with leading experienced NGOs operating on a national scale. These partner NGOs were able to improve the quality and effectiveness of their services by learning from the professionalized mentor NGO in areas such as project management. Partner NGOs benefited from greater access to funds and from closer interaction with competent and experience NGOs.

Empowerment Grants

Empowerment Grants (USD 2.6 M)
Empowerment Grants support experienced NGOs in providing innovative social services to poor and marginalized communities in dire need, to help them cope with the current crisis. These grants also build the capacity of NGOs to empower communities through particiory needs identification and project implementation.